
public protocol StyleStrategy

Conform to style strategy to define how your UI controls should retrieve their style sets.

  • Defines how to retrieve a StyleSet using a styleKey. i.e. retrieve from plist, json, user defaults, programmatic definition. Source of style sets could be included at compile time or downloaded at run time, or updated dynamically throughout lifecycle of app.



    static func retrieveStyleSet(forStyleKey styleKey: StyleKeyProtocol) -> StyleSet?
  • Useful function for transforming a dictionary into a StyleSet. Use this function for values that must be transformed from an abstract representation into its meaningful value. i.e. transforming a color key as a String into a UIColor



    public static func transformDictionaryOfPropertiesIntoStyleSet(properties: [String: Any], ColorSetType: ColorSetProtocol.Type? = nil, FontSetType: FontSetProtocol.Type? = nil, customTransformation: ((Any) -> Any?)? = nil) -> StyleSet



    [String: Any] containing all property keys -> values


    Optional. If set contains any colors that need to be transformed from String -> UIColor, use a type implementing ColorSetProtocol to perform the conversion


    Optional. If set contains any fonts that need to be transformed from String -> UIFont, use a type implementing FontSetProtocol to perform the conversion


    Optional. Performs custom logic for transforming dictionary’s value into a value consumable by the StyleSet

    Return Value

    A style set converted from dictionary